non will be deny, its you against you.

non will be deny, its you against you.

Human society basically attached to it’s aspect that able the living surrounding to function dramatic than other societies. in nature, man wishes are within the society, and what is accepted in this society may not be accept in other society, what is law here never be law in other places. in present world most society dysfunction, why? they denied the aspect which cause to be sick society or individual. our aspect to functional (healthy) environment can be vary with that society and other society. these are the family, culture, religion, politics, and economic.

⦁ first stage of every society is family, this is where society build and call society, existence of individual formed society. the family system produce quality environment, by notifying our society the role which our family carried on shoulder will able to see a better tomorrow. for every individual who stand as an image to his own society is at the result of family system, so look around your society and observe who are the role model and check, i can’t say all but majority are because influence of family. the family system is first stage for society to function accordingly, family is the union of two individual, in African society we have two major family system nuclear and extended.

A nuclear family is a small group consisting of a husband, a wife and children, natural or adopted. while Extended families consist of multiple extended relatives living together. In an extended family, parents live with their kids and other relatives (related by either blood or marriage) under one roof, such as aunts, uncles, cousins, or grandparents.

⦁ secondly, people culture. culture is total way of individual life, consists of the values, beliefs, systems of language, communication, and practices that people share in common and that can be used to define them as a collective, also includes the material objects that are common to that group or society, code of dress, food and symbol are also describe individual culture. every culture had their own way of practices which is different with another, in some way similarities in food, dress and symbols. at this point culture play a vital role in every society and for society to move upward culture will be on practice.

⦁ Religion is way of belief, the service and worship of God or the supernatural. Religion signifies those ways of seeing the world which refer to a idea of sacred reality, made manifest in human involvement, in such a way as to create long-lasting ways of considering, feeling, and acting, with respect to problems of requesting and understanding existence. every society practice religion.

⦁ political practices begins since the existence of man kind, governing system heal society from collapse and politics change from generation to generation. society that developed politically means the governing system function accordingly, human society never stand as a society without the ruling system, what society need walk out from collapse is political structure. many African environment are sick due to lack of political drugs to heal from that sickness is to re-structure out politics. more details

⦁ lastly, economic system is highly concern of individual society, where the term of creativity and productivity upgrade the society income. society at large provide for it individual source of income, for that individual to reach what society provided for him/her need to be creative and apply to hard working class. so that individual creation and production is the economic boost of that society, still be mindful no society will develop without the help of it own individual.

As an individual of a society your action is highly needed for developing your society, no matter how the little action you are able to make on developing your society never view as less, the little you contribute the little the society progress and small progress is better than never been try. what you deny today for your collective development is your future hinderance, put in mind. these five aspect are what make individual collective, your concern with them is what need must. the function of society is that of living organism whereby the lung, heart, liver, kidney, brain, veins, and blood one can’t work without the support of others, so also the human society will never be function without the support of remaining aspect, dysfunction of one affect, all these are the five identified pillars (foundation) for every society.